Thursday, April 17, 2008


HELLO I'M BACK!! what up everybody just bringing you some updates on my financial predictions. i predicted last year that oil would hit $120 a barrel this year we are at $115 a barrel already people. We have diminished refining capacity in America right now which will hit your pockets at the pump this spring and summer get ready. Mix that with this recession ,rising food costs and food riots across the world and I'll say we are in for a rough couple of years coming up. I told you people to get some financial literacy it's the only thing that can save you now. Take your savings and put it in silver and euros the dollar is falling fast and hard get out before it goes to zero LOL.

You see we Americans are complacent and think that the U.S is the sun and every other nation revolves around us, but the truth is this is a global economy right now and those days are over. In this global economy the American empire is shrinking in power and economic dominance. I'm almost certain people don't even know that ethanol is driving up corn prices which is driving up food prices. Corn is a very important crop it is used for cattle and pig feed. it is in almost every thing we eat look at the ingredients in your soda juice and food wrappers they all say corn fructose. The all time high wheat prices are causing bread prices to soar making a basic consumer staple like bread unaffordable. The people can't even afford their daily bread.
If you trade stocks like i do I'm here to tell you that this market will go down considerably before it goes back up some where around Dow 11,600
my top holdings are: skf, srs, gld, fxp these stocks will short the market and give you some gold exposure.
[to the economically challenged short the market is betting it will go down and when that happens these stocks go up and vice versa]


P.S. Don't believe me on the food riots check it out for your self below.


FOOD PROBLEMS IN MEXICO[ tortilla riots prices lol]:



44Black said...

No one seems to be alarmed by the fact that there are food riots around the world. I guess they think it cannot happen here. There was a ruler in Haiti I believe that was overthrown due to the food crisis. Here in the states Sam's and Costco are limiting the amount of rice you can buy in northern California and food prices have increased dramatically. We don't seem to realize where we are heading.

I have purchased some silver but am having some trouble finding it in the form I want.

Do you have an opinion about what happens in a real estate market when the currency collapses all together? Real Estate is profitable for me but I am not clear on what the land is worth if no one has $$$$. I guess if I am heavily invested in silver and gold also I would be fine and just sit on my real estate holdings until things started to recover. Do you have any thoughts here? BTW is gold just taking a breather?



if a currency collapses then you would lose your property due to the fact you cant repay your mortgage. In the great depression land owners became tenants and lost their property. If your house doesn't have a mortgage then your good but you still would be charged property tax. If the currency is worthless the only things that you can pay with is silver and gold which never lose value. Gold is having a pull back nothing goes straight up with out pulling back this is a buying opportunity especially below $800 an ouunce and silver below $16 an ounce. WE are in a state of hyper inflation read my blog on that. The federal reserve is pumping too much money in the system and devaluing the currency that's why the dollar is at an all time low and dropping wiping out the average citizen's savings. The inflation rate is 19-22% that means you have to make 22% return on your money just to have the same purchasing power. we went through hyper inflation under president lincoln and the greenback look it up he was quoted as saying "a wagon full of money cant buy a wagon full of goods".